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Forum to discuss Features/Usage/Bugs of Multiple MTA Addon

Multiple MTA and IP Monitor not working in Segments

Ever since we installed the add-on more than 3 weeks ago, we could never make it work on SEGMENTS. Whenever we use our the Interspire Email Marketer Segments feature, we could not see the interface of the MTA add-on. While there is no issue in using it on normal Lists, we cannot use it on segments which is quite important for us.

What have we tried
- re-installed the add-on (also tried re-installing the installer)
- fully ...
Read more : Multiple MTA and IP Monitor not working in Segments | Views : 75291 | Replies : 0

Sending with Segments

We're having an issue with Multiple MTA with IP Monitor and SEGMENTS.

When we try to send an email using SEGMENTS, we never see the page section where we can choose what SMTP we can use. We're just left with the normal interspire page. No issue though when we send with normal lists.

Anyone encountered this issue before?
Read more : Sending with Segments | Views : 43387 | Replies : 0

How change from/reply/bounce addresses in relation to MTA?

Hi there!

I'm new to this add-on. Here's my question, then I will explain: How can I get the from/reply/bounce email addresses automatically jive with the MTA Group I choose without having to type them in manually?

I'm wondering how I can get my from/reply/bounce email addresses to automatically match the relevant MTA Group I choose when sending an email.

This is how we are using the MTA add-on: We have three brands, all in ...
Read more : How change from/reply/bounce addresses in relation to MTA? | Views : 27738 | Replies : 0

"Multiple MTA with IP Monitor" not working on segments

+ "Multiple MTA with IP Monitor" not working on segments.
+ There is no issue when normal list are used.
+ During send campaign and SEGMENT is used, only the normal Interspire Email Marketer screen for scheduling the email is presented.

What have I tried so far?
+ I tried re-installing the add-on
+ I tried re-installing the add-on and installer

What's my server?
+ Windows 2012

Anyone else encountered this issue?
Read more : "Multiple MTA with IP Monitor" not working on segments | Views : 51455 | Replies : 0

"Multiple MTA with IP Monitor" not working on segments

+ "Multiple MTA with IP Monitor" not working on segments.
+ There is no issue when normal list are used.
+ During send campaign and SEGMENT is used, only the normal Interspire Email Marketer screen for scheduling the email is presented.

What have I tried so far?
+ I tried re-installing the add-on
+ I tried re-installing the add-on and installer

What's my server?
+ Windows 2012

Anyone else encountered this issue?
Read more : "Multiple MTA with IP Monitor" not working on segments | Views : 51150 | Replies : 0

Edit Header for Better Inbox Rate

I'm using and they are picking up that ISP's are flagging emails and counting it against many emails if "X-Mailer-RecptID" is in the header. It appears that this tag only shows in Interspire sent email. Since many spammers use Interspire, it hurts the rest of us.

Is yours still in there or did you remove it?

If you do a Google search for "X-Mailer-RecptID" it is mostly related to spam. So basically, all/most Interspire Email Marketer ...
Read more : Edit Header for Better Inbox Rate | Views : 29234 | Replies : 5

Custom Headers and PowerMTA JobID Header are not added

Hi, we have a small problem with the addon, additional headers are not added in messages.
Read more : Custom Headers and PowerMTA JobID Header are not added | Views : 21517 | Replies : 1

URGENT : Error saving your MTA

Hi ,

I am getting error Error saving your MTA

while trying to create new MTA

Can any one help me please
Read more : URGENT : Error saving your MTA | Views : 26675 | Replies : 1

Retreive IP Reputation for new IP's

I have several new clusters that Maborak installed for me but he forgot to do the extra step that would cause the reputation for the new IP's to show.

I opened SSH and ran the commands...
/var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/media/admin/addons/mta/api/cli.php --populate-ipguard
/usr/local/bin/php /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/media/admin/addons/mta/api/cli.php --populate-ipguard
(per my best understanding of the instructions at the bottom)

This is the error message I receive for the first command.

/$ /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/media/admin/addons/mta/api/cli.php --populate-ipguard
/var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/media/admin/addons/mta/api/cli.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory ...
Read more : Retreive IP Reputation for new IP's | Views : 23005 | Replies : 4

IP Monitor y Multithread

Hasta ahora en nuestro instituto IMED estamos enviando usando interspire, pero buscamos otras solucion mas rapida.
No somos expertos pero viendo el los videos de IP Monitor creo que podemos usar var ias ip para enviar.
La duda es....
Cuantos email por hora podemos enviar por IP ?

Otra consulta:
Multithread es para acelerar los envios ?

Estamos muy interesados en adquirir los addons pero necesitamos informacion al respecto.
Espero alguien nos pueda ayudar.
Buenos ...
Read more : IP Monitor y Multithread | Views : 22957 | Replies : 1




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