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Forum to discuss Optimizations and Implementation of threads connections for SMTP


Every time the cron run we get this error
how i can solve this problem error and see if Multithreads addon is efficient ?

DEBUG=>Entry 1518120866: [FIX THREAD CRASHES]
DEBUG=>Update Thread: 0
DEBUG=>Update Job: jobid:58, affected:01518120866Get new Job to work: SELECT * FROM email_jobs WHERE jobtype='send' AND ( (jobstatus ='w' AND jobtime < 1518120866) OR (jobstatus='r' AND jobtime < 1518120866) OR (jobstatus='i' AND jobtime < 1518120866 AND lastupdatetime < 1518119366)) AND (approved > 0) OR ...
Read more : Error | Views : 57529 | Replies : 1

Slow sending speed, need help

We encountered strange behavior, recently when we sent campaign using multithread it starts to send with full speed but after few minutes it slows down and stays at around 300-400 emails per minute.
This happens suddenly as previously we sent few campaigns and all was good but now nomatter what we do it slows to max 400 per minute.
Read more : Slow sending speed, need help | Views : 17682 | Replies : 1

Error logs - 6.1.6

I receive these log entries..

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() Internal Apr 29 2016 22:55:37
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/public_html/admin/addons/installer/api/class.commandline.php at 66
File Line Function
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/addons/installer/api/class.commandline.php 66 HandlePHPErrors
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/addons/installer/api/installer.php 932 CommandLine::parseArgs
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/addons/multithread/api/multithread.php 32 Installer_API->apply_patches
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/addons/multithread/multithread.php 232 require_once
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/addons/interspire_addons.php 1408 Addons_multithread->GetApi
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/functions/schedule.php 262 Interspire_Addons->Process
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/functions/schedule.php 144 Schedule->ManageSchedules
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/com/init.php 543 Schedule->Process
/home/xxx/public_html/admin/index.php 81 require_once

and also this:

array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given Internal Apr 29 2016 22:55:37
array_shift() expects parameter 1 ...
Read more : Error logs - 6.1.6 | Views : 23703 | Replies : 1

Multiple 'Campaign has started sending' emails...


When our users send a campaign, Interspire Email Marketer sends them a courtesy email to let them know their email has started sending - HOWEVER, this now gets sent multiple times (once for each thread).

I believe the same happens after the campaign has completed sending - the courtesy email to advise that its complete also gets sent as many times as there are threads.

Can this be fixed? It frightens clients as they belive it ...
Read more : Multiple 'Campaign has started sending' emails... | Views : 22645 | Replies : 1

MySQL Deadlocks

We are seeing this constantly from the multithread addon, its slowing down our sending engine, please advise what we can do:

2015-11-16 12:30:26 7f4c8c65a700
TRANSACTION 34643967637, ACTIVE 10 sec starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 4 lock struct(s), heap size 1184, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 6
MySQL thread id 5800435, OS thread handle 0x7f4c7d9f9700, query id 74782359 XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX ...
Read more : MySQL Deadlocks | Views : 14410 | Replies : 1

[SOLVED]MultiThread Addon not sending

I've installed and activated the MultiThread addon successfully but when I try to send a campaign it gets stuck and in the Email Scheduler just says " In Progress (Sent 0 / 6)"
I've checked the cli.php --status and the threads remains at 0%

Hope you can help me to get things moving
Many thanks!
Read more : [SOLVED]MultiThread Addon not sending | Views : 50412 | Replies : 11

SMTP Connection from ALL Server IPs


I'm currently using a esp to send me emails, how ever they only allow a max of 50 connections at a time per IP. This is limiting me on the number of threads i can create because of the connection limit. Is there any way of doing it so the Threads use ALL the IPs on the dedicated server? So for example i have 6 usable IPs, that way i should be allowed to ...
Read more : SMTP Connection from ALL Server IPs | Views : 18280 | Replies : 4

Max Multithreads


When im in SSH and i rebuild a email campaign by changing the threads to 75 and then i view the status of the threads, i can see theres only a max of 45 threads.

Why will it not do more than 45 threads?

I've checked my CPU and at the current 45 and the Server load is 0.13 (8 CPUs) and the memory is 57% used. How can i do it so there ...
Read more : Max Multithreads | Views : 16729 | Replies : 3

[CLI] Show Threads Status


The php CLI command to check the threads status is:

Run the next command in SSH:
Code: Select all
php /path/to/interspire/admin/addons/multithread/api/cli.php --status

You will receive some output like:

INFO[Status]: Array
[3084] => Array
[threads] => Array
[0] => 4402[ACTIVE][1s][500/40000]2%
[1] => 4403[ACTIVE][1s][500/40000]2%
[2] => 4404[ACTIVE][3s][500/40000]2%
[3] => 4405[ACTIVE][1s][500/36667]2%
[4] => 4406[ACTIVE][1s][500/30000]2%
[5] => 4407[ACTIVE][1s][500/30000]2%
[6] => 4408[ACTIVE][2s][500/30000]2%
[7] => 4409[ACTIVE][4s][500/30000]2%
[8] => 4410[ACTIVE][2s][500/30000]2%
[9] => 4411[ACTIVE][4s][500/30000]2%
[10] => 4412[ACTIVE][3s][500/30000]2%
[11] => ...
Read more : [CLI] Show Threads Status | Views : 15383 | Replies : 1




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