Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

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Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

Postby Osensnolf » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:18 pm

If you use the spins addon and send a test to yourself and it contains plain-text only and is a mess (you will know), show the HTML and replace >{ and put a space between it so that it is > {

This frequently happens if you have a link prior to spun text.

(This is for those who have this issue but are unable to find a solution.)
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Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:28 pm

Re: Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

Postby mmm » Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:55 am

Osensnolf wrote:If you use the spins addon and send a test to yourself and it contains plain-text only and is a mess (you will know), show the HTML and replace >{ and put a space between it so that it is > {

This frequently happens if you have a link prior to spun text.

(This is for those who have this issue but are unable to find a solution.)

Many thanks for sharing!
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Re: Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

Postby Osensnolf » Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:02 pm

Glad do. This is a bug that I discussed with Maborak a few months ago but it is still there.
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Re: Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

Postby MaBoRaK » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:31 am

Osensnolf wrote:Glad do. This is a bug that I discussed with Maborak a few months ago but it is still there.

There is a bug in Interspire Email Marketer core with the LINK PARSER ( Text Mode ) where:

Code: Select all

is different to

Code: Select all
 [] Hello123

If you have "
Code: Select all
" Interspire will take this line as entire link. So, any SpinTAG will be removed causing problems.
CEO in Maborak Technologies and Interspire Addons Developer
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Re: Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

Postby mmm » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:59 pm

Does this mean one should insert that space?

And in which file should that be done?
Posts: 106
Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:36 pm

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